• Mitch Julius

    Lost On A Sunny Day

    For his upcoming album "Coming of Age", Mitch Julius teamed up with Volver Sound Academy. During a two week studio session, seven new songs were produced and recorded at GAM Studio located in Waimes, Belgium, of which "Lost On A Sunny Day" is the fifth release of the album.

    Lost On A Sunny Day
  • Mitch Julius


    For his upcoming album "Coming of Age", Mitch Julius teamed up with Volver Sound Academy. During a two week studio session, seven new songs were produced and recorded at GAM Studio located in Waimes, Belgium, of which "Juice" is the fourth release of the album.

    Keep You Near

    Nederlandse indierock band uit opgeving Den Haag dook een weekend de Volver Studio in om "Keep You Near" op te nemen, na in het verleden al samen te hebben gewerkt.

    Studio: Volver Studio Tilburg
    Recording Engineer(s): Mike Nuiten & Victor van der Ham
    Producer: Crip Theeuwes
    Mixing Engineer: Crip Theeuwes
    Mastering Engineer: Francis Dijke
    Keep You Near
  • Mitch Julius


    For his upcoming album "Coming of Age", Mitch Julius teamed up with Volver Sound Academy. During a two week studio session, seven new songs were produced and recorded at GAM Studio located in Waimes, Belgium, of which "Tea" is the third release of the album.
  • CV Zo Gek Nog Nie

    Veul Peekaas

    This dutch based carnival group yearly releases a single which supports the act in the parade. This record was fully written & produced at Studio Nuiten.

    Veul Peekaas
  • Funkapel Berlicum

    Gin Tonic

    This traditional carnival group won a yearly contest "De Birrekoal". Contests prize was to record the song at Studio Musixbox. "Gin Tonic"  was the second record Studio Nuiten was involved with after local succes "Amarula".

    Gin Tonic
  • Mitch Julius

    Your Sweet Mind

    For his upcoming album "Coming of Age", Mitch Julius teamed up with Volver Sound Academy. During a two week studio session, seven new songs were produced and recorded at GAM Studio located in Waimes, Belgium, of which "Your Sweet Mind" is the second release of the album.

    Your Sweet Mind
  • Rosie

    One Chance

    All the way from The Hague, dutch rockband Rosie teamed up with Volver Sound Academy to fully record and produce the song "One Chance"!

    One Chance
  • Mitch Julius

    What's Life

    For his upcoming album "Coming of Age", Mitch Julius teamed up with Volver Sound Academy. During a two week studio session, seven new songs were produced and recorded at GAM Studio located in Waimes, Belgium, of which "What's Life" is the first release of the album.

    What's Life
  • Mindfool

    Five By Ten

    This three-headed punk-rock band from Arnhem teamed up with Volver Sound Academy to fully produce "Five by Ten".

    Five By Ten
  • Cv Zo Gek Nog Nie


    This dutch based carnival group yearly releases a single which supports the act in the parade. This record was written by Studio Nuiten and produced by Randy Watzeels.

  • Cv Zo Gek Nog Nie

    We Houden Fanfare

    This dutch based carnival group yearly releases a single which supports the act in the parade. This record was written by Studio Nuiten and produced by Randy Watzeels.

    We Houden Fanfare
  • Funkapel Berlicum


    This traditional carnival group from the east of Noord-Brabant teamed up with Volver Sound Academy to record their first single "Amarula" at the Volver Sound Studios. 

  • Dikke Mik

    Nick & Simon

    Studio Nuiten was being asked to write this dutch carnival song, which was later produced by AKMP. "Nick & Simon" was born!

    Nick & Simon
  • Dubbel 2


    This four-headed carnival act approached Studio Nuiten to write their new carnival song which was later produced by AKMP.


Waar muziek begint.

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